Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to School

Well, its that time of year again when students head back to school. I was no exception back in 1986 as I headed off to WLU for my 1st year as an undergraduate student.

Its funny the things you particular, I remember how much I wanted my parents to disappear so i could "get on with it"...the "it" part being "the rest of my life". At the time - attending University was the culmination of everything that I had been working towards. My folks did leave - but it wasn't that long (maybe once I had recovered from Frosh Week) that I called to update them on everything that had gone on and how excited I was to finally be a University student.

Now that I work/teach at a University - I see this ritual played out year after year. Its actually fun to watch - things change...but as you all know...many things stay the same - in particular, the wish for every young adult to just "get on with it".

I look back at the fresh face of mine in 1986 and wonder to myself...would I go back and do it all over again if I could? The answer is a definate YES!

Stay Thirsty.

PS> not that anyone is really following my blog...but my apologies for the delay in posts....busy time of year as you can imagine.

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