Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Todays picture is from the year 2004. The key theme for this picture is all about accountability. My daughter (as is human nature) has the tendancy to shift blame to anyone but herself. We are all guilty of it...but when it comes right down to it - what makes us better people is the degree to which we take responsibility for our actions (in all the forms it can take).

When I saw one of my students wearing this shirt while excavating in Jordan - I begged her to give it to me so I could give it to my daughter. Getting home after being away for 2 months in the desert - its great to have a gift that you KNOW the recipient is going to love. My daughter wore this shirt for a week straight I think. It was definately one of my favourites.

Its funny what people will wear, put on their car bumpers, name their boats, tatoo on their bodies, etc. Its all about marketing...what we subscribe to, what we believe in and so on. It is so important to us as individuals - that we want others to know it to. We want it to define us. Sometimes thats a good thing - sometimes not...but at any rate "whatever it is...I didn't do it"!


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