Friday, July 10, 2009

Summer? Winter? I am totally confused...

Today I need to vent a little bit. The picture I uploaded today comes from the recent past - March 9th, 2008. It was the biggest snowstorm in one day we had out in Mississauga since we moved there. I am using my snowblower which I bought the year before...and man, there is no going back once you own one.

My reason for posting this one today is because of the crappy weather we have been having around the GTA this summer. I mean - its supposed to be in the low 30's, but we are lucky to hit 22 degrees. Even at that...the wind is you dont really feel like its summer...its more like fall or early spring.

My tomato plants are doing poorly, I don't have a tan...and worst of all...when I ride my motorcycle I have to wear a jacket. When will the craziness end!?

Finally - looking at this picture makes me miss my big red truck. While I am happy with the diesel Grand Cherokee...I do miss the truck's imposing size on the road. Now I am just another one of the many cars/SUV's on the highway.

If anyone has pull with the powers that be....can you please request that we get a bit more heat this summer?


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