Friends are those people who you turn to for advice - they are the once who will accept you for who you are and the ones who will give it to you straight with no bulls*^t! Friends are the people you can call once a year and it doesn't make a difference. Friends are the people who you know that if everything else crumbles around you - they will be there - no matter what. To me - that is what friendship is.
Fortunately (or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) - you only get the opportunity to establish a few friendships in your life. Yes, you can have alot of "friends" (small 'f'), but if you stop and think about it...most people have only a few "Friends" (capital 'F').
My friendship with Terry and Bruce is very important to me - I guard it very jealously. In 2007 we all turned 40 (I was the first...and therefore, the oldest and wisest of the three men - something I am sure the others would dispute - not the oldest can't help that...its the "wisest" part I think they would have trouble with). We went on a cruise together for d days down to Mexico - what a blast, and I am sure I'll eventually get around to one of those pictures eventually.
So back to the picture at hand - some of the things I notice are the clothes we are 1980's. Bruce is wearing the shorts they gave us for "Frosh Week" - the ugliest things I have ever seen...but he wore them well. The other thing I notice is how freakishly skinny I am. Oh - to go back to those days...perhaps someday!
Finally - Bruce is holding in his hand his wallet. Just before this picture was taken, Terry had grabbed Bruce's wallet and threw it into a "reflecting pool"...thoroughly soaking it. I can't remember why he did it...but knowing Bruce and Terry...I am sure it had to do with Terry calling Bruce cheap or some such thing. Too funny.
I will never forget that day - it was was sunny...we were young and had our whole lives ahead of us. Sometimes its good to go back to spots like that in your mind and take a bit of a vacation from all the responsibilities and worries of life. We were all young once...
Until next time.
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