Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

I hope everyone had a good weekend - especially all of you who are fathers. My choice for picture today is clearly related to the proximity of fathers day. First off - I am (like I think most dad's are) very proud of my daughter. Even though her and I don't see eye to eye on everything, I know deep down we have a very special relationship that only a father and daughter can have. So when I look at this picture, I think of all sorts of things - some I can share with you - others, I have to keep to myself.

Part of the fun of this exercise is (as I have mentioned in a previous post) trying to figure out just when and where a picture was taken. At first glance - you tend to say "I have no idea"...but then when you concentrate...its amazing the details that will come back to you.

This picture was taken sometime during the summer of 1997 - most likely August. We (my wife, daughter and I) were up visiting my parents who were living in Lindsay at the time at a Condo that had a lovely swimming pool. It was a great day of playing around by the pool...I recall a particularly stimulating game of shuffleboard as well (it was a retirement condo after all).

That summer (1997) was particularly fun-filled for me as I was fortunate to have 4 months of relaxation before heading back to grad school. I had just left THE BANK (those of you who know me...know why thats in caps) and was waiting for classes to begin in the new phase of my worklife. Not many fathers get to have such uninterrupted time with their children at such a young age. I consider myself fortunate. And for all of you out there who have yet to become fathers...if you get the chance to take some parental it.

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