Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vacation and Camping

Today we are off for our annual summer family vacation - which over the past few years has meant "camping"! This is a picture of Emma cooking up some popcorn from our camping trip - Labour Day weekend (September 9th) 2006. We decided to go camping near to home at Bronte Creek Provincal Park. It was Emma's first time sleeping in a tent all on her own and she loved it.

What I remember from that weekend is that the weather was particularly uncooperative as were the local teenagers who decided to stage an all night piss-up next to our campsite. For the first time ever, I had to call the Provincal Police to come in and kick them out - which of course they didn't do...but gave them a strong warning - duh! welcome to Canada.

Anyways - we love camping - it enables us to get out of the city and relax in the "wild". But there are various levels of camping. What you see here is something mid-range that most people can relate to. A propane portable BBQ, the ever-handy Coleman stove, tents, air mattress (inside the tent!), etc. This is vastly upgraded compared to camping in say - Algonquin Park and having to canoe in all of your gear. There you have to bring freeze-dried food, etc. I have never done that but someday I would like to give it a whirl.

Camping for us today, however, is about going down to Shalamar Lake campground where we keep our 5th Wheel trailer. It has air conditioning, a fridge, stove, toilet, and so much more. We sleep on a queen size bed - have a flat screen TV and sound system. Essentially - its our cottage but at a fraction of the price. I know its not really camping anymore...but really - what is camping other than an excuse to build a fire and sit around it telling stories. That's something that every human being around the planet can relate to I think. It returns us to our primal roots.

Stay Thirsty!

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